My photography for Manhattan’s Metropolitan Montessori School, featured across its web site and social media, celebrates the genuine warmth of its staff and families and emphasizes the engagement of students with its distinctive pedagogy. The Montessori method leverages children’s capabilities at each developmental stage to empower them as prime movers of their learning experience. By joining the children in the midst of their independent work and photographing at or below their eye level, I was able to center their perspectives, creating a visual style that bolsters Montessori priorities.
Working closely with the MarComm team at MMS, some pictures were taken specifically for Facebook and Instagram branding and promotional campaigns.
David Leite of Leite’s Culinary and Weber Grill hired me to create two upbeat, brand-bolstering videos to cross-promote his brilliant recipes-driven website and their renowned grilling equipment. Best-selling author and chef, Jamie Purviance, joins to help David understand the deliciousness of grilled food.
It isn’t often that I have the opportunity to work with legends in the making. This studio recording video stars Arjun, a passionate, no-frills, avant-garde NYC-based instrumental trio, performing the song, Gone. I shot this solo using four high definition cameras over the course of two takes. The goal was a video centering their technical but soulful music and the band’s dynamic performance, which the extra cameras made possible.
Below is a teaser trailer leveraging a breathtaking slice of their song Radio Star. Leading with the band’s prodigious musicianship and incredible passion, this was shared on social media to build anticipation for their album’s release, as well as for the band’s tour dates.
The Shanghai Division of Cadillac invited me to attend and record aspects of a training day at the Monticello race track in upstate New York. The purpose of the final video was to celebrate the Cadillac brand and excite prospective dealership partners in China about teaming with Cadillac. Though I was prevented from using the final cut for personal promotion, I made this edit with their approval to demonstrate my commitment to getting the shot, rain or shine.